Thanks for visiting our Family Blog page. We are doing our best to keep up to date with our family photos so you can see what we have been up to. Love, Therese, Erik, Liam, and Tessa

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tessa and Liam's Baptism - August 26th 2007

Liam and Tessa's Baptism

Tessa and Liam were baptized on August 26th at ST Therese Church in Branford, CT. This is also Liam's Birthday so it was a triple celebration. The weather was perfect, and we were surrounded by family. Baby and Deda drove down from Ottawa for the weekend. We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house along with Cousin Will, Auntie Katie and Uncle Dave. Yvonne drove down for the day to be with us. Tessa cried and fussed during the baptism until Auntie Yvonne (aka Auntie VON) held her. Then she was happy. Liam couldn't wait to blow out the Candle. At the end of the ceremony Father was kind enough to let Liam blow it out.

Family at Church... Just before the big event



The family

The Family at the PO Club

Mom With Tessa

Baby and Tessa at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Deda and Liam


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